Workshop Proceedings of the 17th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media

Workshop: Mediate 2023: News Media and Computational Journalism Workshop

DOI: 10.36190/2023.28

Published: 2023-06-01
Some Observations on Fact-Checking Work with Implications for Computational Support
Rob Procter, Miguel Arana Catania, Yulan He, Maria Liakata, Arkaitz Zubiaga, Elena Kochkina, Runcong Zhao

Social media and user-generated content (UGC) have become increasingly important features of journalistic work in a number of different ways. However, the growth of misinformation means that news organisations have had devote more and more resources to determining its veracity and to publishing corrections if it is found to be misleading. In this work, we present the results of interviews with eight members of fact-checking teams from two organisations. Team members described their fact-checking processes and the challenges they currently face in completing a fact-check in a robust and timely way. The former reveals, inter alia, significant differences in fact-checking practices and the role played by collaboration between team members. We conclude with a discussion of the implications for the development and application of computational tools, including where computational tool support is currently lacking and the importance of being able to accommodate different fact-checking practices.